Key Skills
Questioning and Researching:
Develop questions about events, developments, issues and or phenomena; collect and organise information, evidence and or data from primary and secondary sources.
Interpret information, evidence and or data to identify key points or ideas, points of view, perceptions and interpretations; identify the purpose of sources and determine their accuracy and reliability.Scarcity, making choices, specialisation and trade, interdependence, allocation and markets, economic performance and living standards
Propose explanations for event, challenges, developments, issues and or phenomena; draw evidence based conclusions and explanations; and suggest courses of action in response to events, challenges, developments, issues and or problems.
Communicating and Evaluating:
Present findings in appropriate forms for different audiences and purposes using subject specific terminology; reflect on conclusions / findings to consider consequences.
Key Concepts
Democracy, democratic values, the Westminster system, justice, participation, rights and responsibilities.
Economics and Business:
Scarcity, making choices, specialisation and trade, interdependence, allocation and markets, economic performance and living standards.
Sources, evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, significance, perspectives, empathy and contestability
Place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change.