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Junior STEM: STEM Theme 2020


What is gravity?

  • Gravity is a force that exists everywhere. It pulls all things with mass or energy toward one another.

  • We commonly experience gravity by being pulled downwards by the Earth.

  • Gravity keeps all of the planets (including Earth) in orbit around the Sun. It also keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth.

Gravity is a force that pulls all objects together. The greater the mass of an object the more gravity it has. Gravity is also stronger when objects are closer together.

Although every object (including you!) has a gravitational pull, it is only really seen in action if one of the objects is really, really big. The Earth, for example, is massive enough to have sufficient gravity to pull you down. 

A dynamic Australia

  • Magnetic and gravitation forces cause the Earth to revolve around the Sun and orbiting on its own axis

  • The similar forces from the Sun, Earth and Moon create waves and tides

  • Northern parts of Western Australia is found to have one of the largest tidal waves in the world.

Blue Energy and Economy

Tidal and ocean waves can create sustainable. They are infinite source of energy!

Australia is moving closer to becoming a global leader in ocean energy, with a tidal turbine in Queensland pumping electricity into the grid, providing power to homes and industry. Turbines secured in free-flowing waters convert kinetic energy into renewable power and are seen as a complementary energy source to wind and solar generation.

5.05min This world-exclusive introduction to the show is narrated by series presenter Sir David Attenborough and set to an exclusive track developed by Hans Zimmer and Radiohead. The prequel features an array of some of the most awe-inspiring shots and highlights from the new series, as well as several exclusive scenes that will not feature in any of the seven episodes.


Australia is moving closer to becoming a global leader in ocean energy, with a tidal turbine in Queensland pumping electricity into the grid, providing power to homes and industry.


Mesmerizing footage of a rare natural phenomenon known as a tidal race was captured in Australia.