
7 Murder Mystery at Servite Circus

The Doctor

1. Mr Jed I Knight

2. Tara Dactyl

3. Chris p Bacon

4. Alma Knack

5. Bear Trapp

The Plot

The Big Mystery? 

At midday on the 1st September, 1923 the Ringmaster walked into the Servite Circus grounds to discover his beloved wife had been murdered in cold blood. He immediately called the local police who sent their number one detective, Mr. Wilbert Wise. 

Mr. Wise soon established a murder had occurred. The Ring Masters wife had injuries consistent with having been struck with a blunt weapon. Detective Wise's team immediately cordoned off the area and searched nearby for possible murder weapons.  

The following weapons were taken as evidence. You must find the clues to eliminate all weapons except the true murder weapon. When you uncover a clue cross off the item below until only one murder weapon remains. 

  • Gun (Butt of) 
  • Steel Bar 
  • Cricket Bat 
  • Wooden Pole 
  • Shovel 
  • Animal Bone 
  • Brick 
  • Hammer 

 The following people were considered as potential suspects. You must find the clues to eliminate all suspects except the true murderer. When you uncover a clue cross off the individual below until only one suspect remains. 

  • Detective Wise.  
  • The Ring Master 
  • The Priest 
  • The Gentleman 
  • The Flower Seller 
  • The Doctor 
  • The Old Man 
  • The Lady in White 
  • The Sailor 
  • The Professor 
  • The News Reporter 
  • The Boy 
  • The Fortune Teller 

The Lessons

How To

Essay Writing

Formation Literacy Program