Family Faith Formation
Resources for faith formation at home
How can you bring Christ back into the world? Commit to at least one idea from each category each week
(that means 4 activities a week). As you complete each activity record it in your journal with photos. Below are some ideas to help you get started:
Harmony with God
· Recite the Rosary everyday – Listen and pray through the daily rosary in the app Catholic Meditations
· Read Scripture every day – use the daily scriptures to reflect on your life and to listen to Jesus in your life Bible
· Pray throughout the day Click to Pray
· Readings Daily Scritures
· Lead your family in prayer before each meal (grace)
· Join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet Divine Mercy
Come up with some of your own idea
Harmony with Others
- Help around the house with chores, gardening, helping your siblings or preparing meals
- Help your sibling, preparing meals
- Help those in need through prayer, donations, or by raising awareness of the issues they face
- Knit a scarf - How to knit
- Collate items or prepare a meal to donation through Passages
- Donate goods to Vinnies
- Pray for someone you struggle to love, and the capacity to forgive the person
Come up with some of your own ideas.
Harmony with Self
- Make time each day to connect with your family - Play a board game, have a warm drink together and have a chat, call your Grandparents and extended family.
- Start a daily journal .
- Do a simple meditation. Try the minute meditation
- Try the daily mediation
- Go for a walk or a run for 30 minutes everyday.
Come up with some of your own ideas
Harmony with Creation
- Commit to one meat free day in the week.
- Reduce the time you spend in the shower with a timer.
- Start a veggie garden or donate to Caritas projects that work to protect the environment.
- Use a water bottle instead of disposable bottles.
- Turn off lights in rooms you’re not using.
- Turn off devices (computer, TV, etc.) when you’re not using them.
- Spend Sunday with no technology (no Phone, TV or Computer), spend time with others and outside.
- Look at what single use plastic you use in a day, find ways to remove these.
- Walk to places that are a short distance way instead of being driven.