10 Religion Assessment 1 Investigation & Essay

Research Investigation: A significant Catholic social justice charity organisation Essay: The relationship between the social justice principle of human dignity and ONE Catholic charity of your choice.

Step 1: Pose Real Questions

Step 1 is to formulate questions in relation to the inquiry focus (topic / phrase / situation). 

Use the tools and the guidelines below to help you pose your real questions.


Create A Research Question and Focus Questions

What is a Research Question?
  • Is open (i.e. not a ‘yes or no’ question)

  • Is objective (not personal opinion based)

  • Is neither too broad or too narrow

  • Summarises the significant topic your research will investigate

Creating Your Own Research Question!
  1. Examine the research topic: 

    Research what Christians believe about being just and discuss how the three principles of social justice are implemented through an exploration of a Catholic charity of your choice.  


  2. Within YOUR question, specify the three principles of social justice and the Catholic charity you are going to research.

  3. Decide what you want to know about justice, social justice principles and your identified Catholic charity

  4. Turn what you want to know about about justice, social justice principles and your identified Catholic charity into a question

  5. Ensure that the question is answerable.

  6. Check with your teacher to make sure the question is not too broad or too narrow.

Focus Questions
  1. Write between 5 and 10 focus questions about the INQUIRY TOPIC.
  2. Don't try to answer any questions as you write. This is an assessable part of your assessment. See example below for a focus question.

Focus Questions

Focus questions unpack the intent of the research question and usually address learning or inquiry around who, what when, where, why and how. Focus questions are therefore more specific and will refine your topic eg:

Inquiry Focus = Marie Curie
Research Question = How has Marie Curie influenced modern science?
Focused Research Question = What scientific principles used by Marie Curie are common in
contemporary science labs?


What next?

Once you have formulated a question or questions that will ensure you cover the inquiry focus move onto Find Resources.

The right resources contain the information your require to answer your question(s).