Rube Goldberg Machine
A Rube Goldberg Machine is made up of lots of smaller simple and compound machines, that takes a range of elaborate and fun steps in order to perform a relatively simple task such as:
Rube Goldberg Machine
- What Is a Rube Goldberg Machine? What is a Rube Goldberg machine? Who was Rube Goldberg? Why are Rube Goldberg machines so fascinating?
The Task
There are three main parts to this task:
- Investigating existing machines and creating a mood-board of 10 cool features you may include in your design. Annotatethe mood-board pointing out the simple and compound machines and or the physics concepts that are visible in each picture. Using the videos at the following link take screen shots of features you would like to incorporate into your own Rube Goldberg Machine.
- Production of your own Rube Goldberg Machine, plus submitting a video of your machine in action. You should think about what action you would like to perform and the series of fun and engaging steps you will take to perform this task.
- Evaluation of finished machine referencing the simple and complex machines as well as the physics involved
Servite Way
- Critical Thinker
- Entrepreneur
- Creative and Innovative
- Communicator and Collaborator
Research Skills for Servite Students
Rube Goldberg
A Rube Goldberg machine is a contraption, invention, device or apparatus that is deliberately over-engineered or overdone to perform a very simple task in a very complicated fashion, usually including a chain reaction.
Reuben Lucius “Rube" Goldberg was born on July 4, 1883, in San Francisco, California. As a teen, he loved to draw and received some basic art instruction when he worked with a sign painter. Rather than pursue a career in art, though, he followed his father's advice and attended the University of California at Berkeley, where he earned his degree in mining engineering.
Mapping out sewer pipes and water mains in San Francisco didn't hold Rube's interest for long, though. He began creating cartoons for local San Francisco papers before moving to New York, where he eventually landed a job as a cartoonist for theEvening Mail.
He used his engineering background to create funny cartoons featuring complicated machines that were described as new inventions to accomplish easy, straightforward tasks through a series of convoluted steps involving chain reactions. The public quickly fell in love with Rube's “inventions."
His work became popular nationwide, as his cartoons were syndicated in hundreds of newspapers across the country. The art world also loved his works, some of which could soon be found displayed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Rube eventually even made it to Hollywood, where his move script “Soup to Nuts" introduced a trio who would soon become famous as the Three Stooges.
In 1931, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary added “Rube Goldberg" as an adjective that meant “accomplishing by complex means what seemingly could be done simply." For Rube, his inventions were a way of seeing the humor in everyday situations, and he loved that his work made people laugh. He once described his cartoon inventions as a “symbol of man's capacity for exerting maximum effort to accomplish minimal results."
Over time, Rube's cartoon inventions leapt off the pages and became real-life working machines, built purely for the joy of engineering and watching science in action. Rube's work has inspired millions to build their own complex machines that use convoluted chain reactions to accomplish any number of simple, mundane tasks.
Today, Rube's work lives on in the form of annual Rube Goldberg machine contests. In 1987, the Phi Chapter of Theta Tau, a national engineering fraternity, at Purdue University in Indiana started the annual National Rube Goldberg Machine Contest.
Each year, groups compete to make the most elaborate, creative contraptions. How complex do they get? Very! For example, a Purdue University team once won the competition with a machine that turned on a flashlight via a 125-step process that included a toy rocket, a simulated meteor, and a mock fire!