
7 Oceans and Climate Change

Climate Change

Step 3: Interpret Information

Step 3 is to interpret the information you discovered during step 2.

Select all images that are relevant to answering your questions. Cite the source
where you found the information.

Continually ask - Does the information answer your questions?


Photos / Images where taken or created by someone. That someone is the author, and they require acknowledgement. Please ensure you cite and reference your photos / images as instructed below.


Figure 3. Urban Light Movement. Reprinted from “UGallery original art.orginal you,” by D. VanGorder, 2018. Retrieved from https://www.ugallery.com/art/
photography-urban-light-movement Copyright 2018 by UGallery.com.

In-text citation

As above OR (VanGorder, 2018)

Reference List

Van Gorder, D. (2018). Urban light movement [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.ugallery.com/art/

Information Collection

1. Determine where and how you are storing your images.

2. Write a draft script. This will help you organise your images into areas that belong together as well as help you select the right images for your photo essay. This is the beginning of telling the complete story.

3. Storyboard your images to follow the script. Good essays always have a plan!

4. Use the right digital product to tell your essay.

Using and citing images

Some images do not require citation or referencing as the 'author' has allowed them to be used freely. To find images that are free to use in Google, please follow the steps below:

  1. Type into the search engine what you are looking for
  2. Click on the images tab. 
  3. Go to Settings (and a drop down will appear)
  4. Select Advanced Search
  5. Scroll down the bottom to usage rights (a drop down will appear)
  6. Select free to use or share.

OR use Advanced Image Search

Free images can also be found: