PBL Hackathon

Yr 9 PBL Project

“The Australian Government Department of Education and Training has completed its evaluation of applications for Round One of the Digital Literacy School Grants (DLSG) program. I am pleased to advise you that Servite College, Tuart Hill has been successful.”

Accouncement by Minister Birmingham 

Design Thinking Stage 1


Staff Training

A group of dedicated staff were selected to undergo the same process that the students were to face in December. Planned as a series of three PD Days the Next Learning Team prepared our staff during Terms II and III ready for the PBL Days.



"Our role is to ensure new ways of authentic learning and real world problem solving can happen while weaving in the digital technologies one of the enablers."

The genesis of Servite College’s successful Year 9 PBL Hackathon was hatched early in April after the College was awarded funding in the Digital Literacy School Grant. The two key concepts that we as a College had written in our application were as follows:

  1. Teachers will be able to educate in more flexible and contemporary ways, while taking advantage of exciting pathways for tailored personal learning and professional development.
  2. Teachers will develop capacity to design deep learning skill based digital learning environment with a focus on students showing evidence of their learning in a myriad of ways. Teachers will build collective knowledge and expertise in new pedagogies so that learning is personalised and student outcomes improved.

It was not long before Ms Roseanne Madden [Deputy Principal Curriculum] and Mr Trevor Galbraith [The Director of Innovation and Learning] were talking to our eventual partners Next learning led by Mr Paul Reid to construct what was to become the show piece of our Year 9 Learning in 2017.

 Preparation – The Power of Planning
John Power, Paul Reid, Roseanne Madden, Mike Fuller, Jeff Allen, Trevor Galbraith

Next Learning

Next Learning was formed to provide services to those in the business of providing high quality learning opportunities to Australian students and in response to the need for high quality support and advisory in a century of exponential change.

Paul Reid and Shane McGurk formed Next Learning at the nexus of learning and technology. They combine skills in education, strategy, IT and communication, presenting frequently at conferences, workshops, training events and parent information evenings.

Around the world, the most successful education systems are focussing on immersive, real world experiences to build the skills and capabilities which will enable young people to adapt to an ever-changing environment. In the past, these skills and capabilities were called ‘soft skills’, a term that under represents their critical importance in the world of work. Enterprise skills include communication, digital literacy, critical thinking, creativity, financial savvy, collaboration, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

These skills are portable and highly sought after by all employers‘ today; and are essential to navigating the future of work tomorrow. 

Videos of the Day

Main Street Co-Op Facebook

Stirling Times

ARC Facebook