
12 Jasper Jones

S.E. Hinton Biography


Jasper Jones: Craig Silvey Biography

Under the Covers with Craig Silvey

Under the Covers with Craig Silvey

Booktopia 10 Terrifying Questions

Craig Silvey: Biography 

Craig Silvey Talks About Jasper Jones ABC Podcast

Craig Silvey Talks About Jasper Jones

ABC,. (2012). Craig Silvey talks about Jasper Jones. Retrieved 23 July 2016, from http://blogs.abc.net.au/  queensland/2012/03/craig-silvey  -talks-about-jasper-jones.html? site=northqld  &program  =north queensland mornings

West Australian author Craig Silvey joined The Morning Show Book Club to talk about his acclaimed novel Jasper Jones. Jasper Jones was voted Australian Book of the Year for WA in the national Our Story program. Listen to Craig talking about the characters, the 1960s and coming of age.

Writers on Writing Craig Silvey on Jasper Jones

Craig Silvey On Writing Jasper Jones

Silvey, C. (2015). Craig Silvey discusses writing Jasper Jones - Allen & Unwin - Australia. Allenandunwin.com. Retrieved 23 July 2016, from https://www.allenandunwin.com/writers-on-writing/craig-silvey-discusses-writing-jasper-jones

Jasper Jones began as a name that wouldn't let me go. I tried, but I couldn't shrug it away, and it began to occupy my thoughts at a time when they should have been elsewhere. I was in the midst of a slow moving second novel and living my own private sophomore slump. In short, I was panicking.

Interview with Craig Silvey

Interview With Craig Silvey

Craig Silvey Facebook

Craig Silvey Facebook