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2021 Anywhere Anytime Learning: Student Assignment Submission


Student Online Assessment Submission

Students at Servite College are required to follow this process to submit their assessments to their teachers for marking. Any assignment submitted outside these guidelines may not be marked

File Naming Convention NEW

The first step is to finalise and complete your assignments ready for submission.

Finalise your editing and get ready to export your assignments.

As of the commencement of Term 2 2020, All students are required to use the same naming convention for ALL Uploaded/Submitted Assessments across all platforms, including but not limited to, SEQTA, Teams, OneDrive & Email's.

 The following file naming convention is required to be used:


An example of this is:


Student Username: jcrook

Calendar Year: 2020

Class Name: 10MATHS1 (If you are not sure of the class name, ask you classroom teacher)

Assignment Name: Assignment3

Step 2
Use the naming generator below to generate a file name for your submission.

Once you have copied your file name out of the generator, rename your file.

Step 3
Once you have renamed your file, you can then export it to the required location.

There are a range of videos on this page  teaching you how to submit your work!

File Name Generator

File Name Generator

Enter your details in the boxes below and in the final box, it will generate you a file name for your assignment/submission

Username :

Calendar Year :

Class Name :

Assignment Name :

COPY this File Name :


How to use the File Naming Generator and How To Rename Files

How to submit a Word Document

SEQTA WISP Submission of a Microsoft Stream Link

Compressing Video Files on an iPad

Servite College students must ensure that their video file is named using the naming convention above before exporting their file!